Fig. 3. Dermatologist-level CNN models are not robust across different images taken in the same setting.
a Representative example of Model A predictions on different images of the same lesion taken sequentially during the same clinic session. The predicted probability of melanoma is shown below the predicted class. The decision threshold is model confidence >20.9%, as determined by the operating point at which the model has a sensitivity comparable to dermatologists on VAMC-T, the benchmark containing these images. b For the subset of lesions from each test dataset with replicated images, the percentage of lesions is shown grouped by whether predictions across replicated images are all correct, all wrong, or mixed. The decision thresholds are the same as those in (a). Only results for non-curated benchmarks are shown, as replicated images were not available for the curated benchmarks. Written consent was obtained for publication of the photographs. Abbreviations: CNN convolutional neural network, D Dermoscopic, ND Non-dermoscopic, UCSF University of California, San Francisco, VAMC-C Veterans Affairs Medical Center clinic, VAMC-T Veterans Affairs Medical Center teledermatology.