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. 2021 Jan 21;11:69. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-01195-5

Table 1.

Novel genome-wide significant loci from multi-trait joint-analyses of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Disease Locus Chr POS(hg19) Lead SNP Cytoband Gene A1 A2 Freq Beta SE P
ADHD 1 3 49809841 rs9870755 3p21.31 IP6K1 T C 0.16 0.090 0.016 6.14E−09
2 5 92995013 rs71639293 5q15 FAM172A A G 0.81 0.090 0.016 2.53E−08
3 11 49356806 rs10839264 11p11.12 FOLH1 T C 0.08 0.118 0.021 2.27E−08
4 18 39300226 rs8083506 18q12.3 PIK3C3,KC6 T C 0.21 −0.089 0.015 6.19E−09
5 20 44730245 rs6032660 20q13.12 NCOA5 A G 0.74 −0.083 0.014 2.77E−09
BIP 6 1 95578207 rs12563424 1p21.3 TMEM56 T C 0.64 −0.064 0.011 1.29E−08
MDD 7 1 191027948 rs10920885 1q31.2 RP11-309H21.3, LOC440704 T G 0.81 −0.032 0.005 2.26E−09
8 3 29756378 rs9834021 3p24.1 RBMS3 T C 0.49 −0.023 0.004 3.18E−08
9 7 114059156 rs2894699 7q31.1 AC073626.2, FOXP2 T C 0.43 −0.025 0.004 4.15E−09
10 11 28642653 rs4636654 11p14.1 RP11-960D24.1, METTL15 A G 0.40 −0.027 0.004 2.83E−10
11 11 66456387 rs2276138 11q13.2 SPTBN2 T C 0.48 −0.023 0.004 2.18E−08
12 13 97208898 rs1414622 13q32.1 HS6ST3 T C 0.92 0.043 0.008 3.03E−08
13 14 103301072 rs7146581 14q32.32 TRAF3 T C 0.22 0.027 0.005 2.3E−08
14 15 66529936 rs4776768 15q22.31 MEGF11 T C 0.28 −0.025 0.005 3.71E−08
15 18 39296488 rs8099746 18q12.3 PIK3C3,KC6 T C 0.80 0.030 0.005 1.27E−08
16 22 46457723 rs62228096 22q13.31 hsa-mir-4763, LOC150381 A G 0.35 −0.026 0.004 4.84E−09

Disease the name of the neuropsychiatric disorders, ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, BIP bipolar disorder, MDD major depressive disorder, CHR chromosome, POS the position of each SNP on the human genome build hg19, SNP the most significantly associated SNP at each locus, Gene closest gene, A1 the effect allele, A2 the non-effect allele, Beta the association coefficient, Freq the frequency of the effect allele, SE the standard error of the effect size estimate; P P value in MTAG analysis.