Figure 1.
Cross-reactivity of commercial anti-human/mouse BCL6 antibodies with lymph node cells from influenza infected ferret. (a) Gating strategy to identify live lymphocytes in the ferret LN. Lymphocytes were identified by forward scatter area (FSC-A) and side-scatter area (SSC-A). Doublets were excluded by gating on single cells as determined by FSC-A versus FSC-H, and live cells were identified by viability dye exclusion. For each step, the parental population is indicated above the plot. (b) Representative plots of influenza-infected ferret lymph node cells stained with anti-BCL 6 (clone K112-91 and clone IG191E/A8), CD79a, CD4 and CD8 antibodies. The parental population is indicated above the plot. Blue box indicates GC B cells (BCL6+CD79a+) and red box indicates Tfh cells (BCL6+CD4+).