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. 2020 Nov 26;108(1):176–185. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.10.017

Table 1.

Clinical and molecular findings in the individuals with N-terminal FHF2A variants

Individual 1 (family A) 2 (family A) 3 (family B) 4 (family B) 5 (family C) 6 (family D) 7 (family E)
Age 15 y 13 y 19 y 12 y 2 y 3 m 5 y 5y 8 m
Sex male female male male male male male
Variant c.31C>T (p.Arg11Cys) c.31C>T (p.Arg11Cys) c.31C>T (p.Arg11Cys) c.31C>T (p.Arg11Cys) c.31C>T (p.Arg11Cys) c.41G>C (p.Arg14Thr) c.32G>C (p.Arg11Pro)
Inheritance maternal gonadal mosaicisma maternal gonadal mosaicisma maternal somatic mosaicism maternal somatic mosaicism de novo unknown mosaic
OFC −1.4 SD at 13 y 10 m +0.8 SD at 6 y 9 m −0.2 SD at 19 y −1.4 SD at 12 y 5 m −1.1 SD at 22 m −2.5 SD at 5 y −2.6 SD at 3 y 2 m
ID/DD profound severe severe severe profound severe severe
Initial concerns 11 d, apneas, repetitive swallowing, head deviation, eye twitching 11 d, apneas, lip smacking, repetitive swallowing, eye deviation, facial twitching 4 w, apneas, stiffness 6 m, head and eye deviation, twitching 5 d, head and eye deviation, blinking, repetitive swallowing 1 d, apnea, cyanosis 6 m, focal sz
Epilepsy focal sz at 2 m. generalized sz from 7 m focal sz from 11 m. rarely generalized focal sz at 2 m. flexor spasms from 6 m focal sz at 6 m. generalized sz from 2.5 y, episodes of NCSE, tonic sz and vomiting currently focal dyscognitive seizures yes focal sz at 6 m. also spasms, myoclonic sz, GTCS
EEG multiple epileptogenic temporal foci, EIMFS considered ictal EEG at 6 y 8 m, left fronto-temporal focus hypsarrhythmia at 6 m. later EEG suggestive of LGS hypsarrhythmia at 2.5 y, EEG at 11 y suggestive of LGS multiple epileptogenic temporal foci, suggestive of LGS n/k atypical hypsarrhythmia and intermittent burst suppression at 23 m
Neurology hypotonia, no hyperreflexia normal tone and reflexes low axial tone, mild limb hypertonia, no hyperreflexia or tremor broad-based, unsteady gait, mildly increased limb tone hypotonia, periodic abnormal posturing n/k limb hypertonia, positive Babinski sign and ankle clonus
Other features constipation, abdominal pain, subtotal colectomy and ileostomy left anterior temporal lobectomy and partial amygdalo-hippocampectomy severe scoliosis antenatal renal pelvic dilatation, recurrent UTI, nephrectomy hypothyroidism atrial septal defect regression at 14 m

Variants based on transcript GenBank: NM_004114.5. Age in y(ears), m(onths), w(eeks), or d(ays); AED, antiepileptic drugs; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; EEG, electroencephalogram; EIMFS, epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures; GTCS, generalized tonic-clonic seizures; ID/DD, intellectual disability or developmental delay; LGS, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; NCSE, nonconvulsive status epilepticus; n/k, not known; SD, standard deviations; sz, seizures; UTI, urinary tract infection.


Maternal gonadal mosaicism is presumed in family A.