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. 2021 Jan 8;11:602739. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.602739


Effect of planting density and nitrogen application on grain filling parameters of maize in 2015 and 2016.

Year Planting density N level Wmax Tmax Gmax P Gmean T1
(g 100-kernel–1) (d) (g d–1 100-kernel–1) (d) (g d–1 100-kernel–1) (d)
2015 ND N0 11.87d 28.02c 1.76d 40.41c 0.29d 19.15b
N150 15.77b 26.13d 2.14b 44.24b 0.36b 16.42d
N300 17.93a 26.20d 2.36a 45.55b 0.39a 16.20d
HD N0 10.71e 33.53a 1.61e 40.04c 0.27e 24.74a
N150 14.71c 28.93b 2.00c 44.25b 0.33c 19.21b
N300 17.66a 28.25bc 2.21b 47.97a 0.37b 17.71c
2016 ND N0 11.37d 28.53a 1.86e 36.62c 0.31e 20.49a
N150 14.37c 22.18d 2.29c 37.62bc 0.38c 13.93bc
N300 18.28a 22.98bc 2.61a 42.82a 0.43a 13.75c
HD N0 10.88d 28.81a 1.65f 39.60bc 0.27f 20.12a
N150 13.90c 23.07bc 2.15d 38.79bc 0.36d 14.56b
N300 16.91b 23.35b 2.46b 41.29ab 0.41b 14.31bc
Year (Y) *** *** *** *** *** ***
Plant density (D) *** *** *** *** *** ***
N level (N) *** *** *** * *** ***
D × N ns *** ns ns ns ***
Y × D × N * *** ns *** * ***

Wmax, the kernel weight increment achieving maximum grain-filling rate; Tmax, the day reaching the maximum grain-filling rate; Gmax, the maximum filling rate; P, the active grain filling phase; Gmean, the mean grain-filling rate; T1, the lag period. ND and HD indicate planting density of 67,500 and 90,000 plants ha–1; N0, N150, and N300 indicate N applied at 0, 150, and 300 kg ha–1 levels, respectively. Values of six treatments followed by different letters indicate significant difference at 5% level. ns, no significance; *, **, and *** indicate significance at 5%, 1%, and 0.1% level, respectively.