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. 2021 Jan 8;11:602739. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.602739


Effect of planting density and nitrogen application on yield components of maize in 2015 and 2016.

Year Planting density N level Kernel number 1000-Kernel weight Grain yield
(ear–1) (g) (Mg ha–1)
2015 ND N0 457.0d 285.9e 5.2f
N150 535.7b 316.0c 7.4d
N300 573.0a 351.2a 9.2b
HD N0 344.2f 279.9e 6.5e
N150 435.2e 305.7d 8.7c
N300 459.3c 334.4b 11.0a
2016 ND N0 424.0c 293.9d 5.1f
N150 529.7a 318.3c 9.4d
N300 540.4a 372.4a 11.9b
HD N0 342.0d 292.3d 7.0e
N150 503.7b 317.1c 10.8c
N300 506.9b 333.1b 12.3a
Year (Y) ns *** ***
Plant density (D) *** *** ***
N level (N) *** *** ***
D × N ns *** ***
Y × D × N *** *** ***

ND and HD indicate planting density of 67,500 and 90,000 plants ha–1; N0, N150, and N300 indicate N applied at 0, 150, and 300 kg ha–1 levels, respectively. Values of six treatments followed by different letters indicate significant difference at 5% level. ns, no significance; *, **, and *** indicate significance at 5%, 1%, and 0.1% level, respectively.