C. elegans ubr-5 and ubr-7 are broadly expressed in various cell types, including neurons and distal tip cells, and UBR-7 is a nuclear protein
(A and B) Transcriptional (promoter-GFP) reporters of the C. elegans genes ubr-5 (F36A2.13) and ubr-7 (T22C1.1) are expressed in a broad array of cells. ubr-5p::GFP and ubr-7p::GFP reporters (green) are expressed within numerous ciliated and non-ciliated neurons within the head and tail of the animal. The tdTomato-tagged intraflagellar transport (IFT) protein XBX-1 (red) represents a co-marker for amphid (head) and phasmid (tail) ciliated sensory neurons. Expression is observed in the cells around the vulva region and in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) and in the crescent-shaped distal tip cells (DTCs) found at the ends of the gonad arms. Expression of ubr-5p::GFP begins from the 2-fold stage embryo and ubr-7p::GFP from the gastrulation stage embryo onward. Scale bar, 11 μm.
(C) GFP-tagged UBR-7 (UBR-7::GFP; green) expressed from its own promoter localizes within various cell types in the animal (head and tail regions are shown in the left panels). The tdTomato-tagged IFT protein XBX-1 (red) marks the amphid (head) and phasmid (tail) ciliated neurons. Scale bar, 11 μm. UBR-7::GFP co-localizes with nuclei that are stained with DAPI (right panels; arrows and the inset show examples of co-localization). Scale bar, 10 μm.