Subject | Biology |
Specific subject area | Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Lens Epithelial Cells, Single Cell Transcriptomics |
Type of data | Table Figure |
How data were acquired | Stem cell culture and differentiation. RNA-Seq (10X Genomics single cell 3′ mRNA-prep kit and Illumina NextSeq 500). Transcriptomic data analyses (Seurat guided clustering suite version 3; Bioconductor R package; DAVID gene ontology). |
Data format | Raw fastq files |
Parameters for data collection | Human pluripotent stem cells were differentiated to lens epithelial cells using established methods (Murphy et. al, 2018). ROR1e LECs were harvested on day 16 and expanded for a further 7 days in optimised medium (Murphy et. al, 2018). Cells were collected 7 days after harvest and immediately processed for scRNA-seq. |
Description of data collection | Total RNA was isolated from ROR1e LECs. cDNA library was constructed and scRNA-seq performed. Bioinformatics performed using Seurat guided clustering suite version 3. |
Data source location | School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Campbelltown, Australia |
Data accessibility | ArrayExpress accession number E-MTAB-9178 |
Related research article | Umala Dewi et al, 2020, A simplified method for production of human lens epithelial cells and light-focusing micro-lenses from pluripotent stem cells, Exp. Eye Res. Experimental Eye Research. |