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. 2021 Jan 20;7(1):e05956. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05956

Table 2.

Proximate composition (in g/100g), instrumental color, and RVA results of flours.

L∗ 80.92c ±0.08 89.51a ±1.91 85.14b ± 0.93 91.13a ±1.35
a∗ 2.83a ±0.03 0.04c ±0.03 0.70b ± 0.04 -0.28d ± 0.02
12.31a ±0.08
6.58c ±0.23
10.59b ± 0.25
6.16c ±0.15
Moisture 12.05a ±1.21 11.33b ± 1.14 9.33c ±0.94 11.26b ± 1.13
Ashes+ 1.87b ± 0.04 1.92b ± 0.09 2.54a ±0.01 0.75c ±0.04
Proteins+ 12.70a ±0.39 10.77b ± 0.73 8.86c ±0.10 7.07d ± 0.23
Lipids+ 2.16b ± 0.22 1.10c ±0.11 3.56a ±0.36 1.01c ±0.10
Digestible+ carbs 72.44c ±1.71 80.33 bc ±1,53 81.24b ± 1.07 90.58a ±0.02
Dietary fiber+
10.63a ±1.40
5.88b ± 0.94
3.80c ±0.61
0.59d ± 0.10
Peak Viscosity 1230.75d ± 23.2 2784.50b ± 14.4 1641.75c ±59.7 3153.00a ±20.5
Through 728.75d ± 13.3 1762.75b ± 28.4 1506.00c ±48.2 2344.50a ±97.9
Breakdown 502.00c ±10.2 1021.75a ±28.4 130.75d ± 26.8 808.50b ± 90.5
Setback 1058.75b ± 24.2 1255.50b ± 60.7 143.25c ±33.4 3237.75a ±266.3
Final Viscosity 1787.50c ±36.9 3018.25b ± 37.3 1654.25c ±66.0 5582.25a ±183.5

Ashes, proteins, lipids and total carbohydrates are indicated in dry basis. Averages ±standard deviation with equal superscripts in the same line do not differ significantly (p > 0.05). WWF: Whole wheat flour/WBF: White beans flour/BRF: Brow rice flour/PRF: Polished rice flour. L∗(Lightness); a∗ (greenish/reddish); b∗(bluish/yellowish). RVA: Rapid Visco Analyzer. RVA values in RVU (Rapid Visco Units).