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. 2021 Jan 21;2(1):100283. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2020.100283
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Nitric acid Merck KGaA Cat#1006301000
Ethanol Merck KGaA Cat#1117271000
Paraffin wax Sigma-Aldrich Cat#327212
Poly-L-lysine Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P4707
Culture medium (DMEM-F12) Thermo Fisher Cat#12500062
Fetal bovine serum Thermo Fisher Cat#12657029
Polystyrene beads Polysciences Cat#17134-15
Immersion oil Nikon Cat#MXA22165
CO2 gas Alta Pressão N/A
Glutaraldehyde Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat#16000
Sodium cacodylate trihydrate Sigma-Aldrich Cat#C0250-10G
Sucrose Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S7903
Magnesium chloride Sigma-Aldrich Cat#M8266

Software and algorithms

ImageJ NIH
KaleidaGraph Synergy Software


Coverslips Knittel Glass Cat#VD12020Y1A.01
Glass-bottom dishes MatTek Life Sciences Cat#P35G-0-10-C
35 mm culture dishes Corning Cat#430165
Glass-writing diamond pen Agar Scientific Cat#AGT5347
Autoclave Prismatech Cat#CS18
Drill and hole saw Beltec Cat#LB100
Sharp knife (bistoury) ABC Instrumentos Cirúrgicos Cat#0015
Tweezers Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat#78510-0
Glass stick Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S4522-6EA
Hot plate Ika Cat#C-MAG HS 7
Biological safety cabinet Esco Cat#AB2-3S1
Cell incubator Thermo Fisher Cat#4110
Micropipette automatic Gilson Cat#FA10006M
Neubauer chamber Sigma-Aldrich Cat#BR717805-1EA
OT laser IPG Photonics Cat#YLR-5-1064-LP
Inverted microscope Nikon Cat#EclipseTE300
Stage positioning PI Cat#P-545.3R8S
CO2 and temperature chamber Adapted N/A
Optical table Thorlabs Cat#T1020CK
Objective lens Nikon Cat#PLAN APO 100X 1.4 NA DIC H
Optical power meter Newport Cat#843-R
Microscope camera Hamamatsu Cat#C2400
Frame grabber Scion Corporation Cat#FG7
Fume hood HQ Cat#SP80N
Critical-point dryer Bal-tech Cat#CPD 030
Carbon adhesive tape Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat#77825-06
Stubs Agar Scientific Cat#AG16144
Gold sputter-coater Bal-tech Cat#SCD 050
Scanning electron microscope FEI Cat#Quanta 250