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. 2020 Sep 25;148(5):1132–1143. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33302


Characteristics of 53 273 women included in the final analyses, stratified by menopausal status

Characteristics Total Premenopausal women Postmenopausal women P‐value*
No. of women (%) 53 273 24 537 (46.0) 28 736 (53.9)
Mean age at baseline (SD) 54.1 (9.7) 45.4 (4.2) 61.5 (6.6) <.001
Microcalcification clusters (%)
0 44 088 (82.7) 21 595 (88.0) 22 493 (78.2)
≥1 9167 (17.2) 2934 (11.9) 6233 (21.6)
Missing 18 (0.03)
Microcalcification clusters asymmetry (%)
0 44 793 (84.0) 1866 (7.6) 22 493 (91.6)
≥1 8462 (15.8) 580 (2.3) 6233 (21.6)
Missing 18 (0.03)
Mean mammographic dense area (cm2) at baseline (SD) 28.3 (23.8) 37.1 (25.2) 20.9 (19.6) <.001
Mammographic dense area (cm2) at baseline (%)
<9.0 12 443 (23.3) 2932 (11.9) 9511 (33.0)
9.0‐19.9 10 943 (20.5) 3603 (14.6) 7340 (25.5)
20.0‐40.0 15 748 (29.5) 8261 (33.6) 7487 (26.0)
>40 13 607 (25.5) 9526 (38.8) 4081 (14.2)
Missing 532 (0.9)
Mean BMI (kg/m2) (SD) 25.1 (4.1) 25.3 (4.0) 24.9 (4.2) <.001
BMI (kg/m2) (%)
20‐24.9 27 123 (50.9) 13 123 (53.4) 14 000 (48.7)
25‐29.9 16 763 (31.4) 6964 (28.3) 9799 (34.1)
≥30 6460 (12.1) 2935 (11.9) 3525 (12.2)
Smoking status (%)
Never 25 386 (47.6) 13 558 (55.2) 11 828 (41.6)
Former 20 912 (39.2) 7977 (32.5) 12 935 (45.0)
Current 6236 (11.7) 2714 (11.0) 3522 (12.2)
Missing 739 (1.3)
Mean alcohol consumption (gram/day) (SD) 7.1 (8.5) 7.9 (8.0) 9.5 (9.2) <.001
Alcohol consumption (gram/day) (%)
0 9742 (18.2) 4573 (18.6) 5169 (17.9)
0.1‐10 32 426 (60.8) 15 606 (63.0) 16 820 (58.5)
>10 9865 (18.5) 3905 (15.9) 5960 (20.7)
Missing 1240 (2.3)
Mean physical activity, (MET‐h per day) (SD) 42.4 (6.2) 43.1 (6.6) 41.8 (5.8) <.001
Physical activity (MET‐h per day) (%)
<40 18 492 (34.7) 7811 (31.8) 10 681 (37.1)
40.0‐44.9 18 326 (34.4) 8113 (33.0) 10 213 (35.5)
45.0‐49.9 9320 (17.4) 4910 (20.0) 4410 (15.3)
≥50.0 5114 (9.5) 2944 (12.0) 2170 (7.5)
Missing 2021 (3.7)
Mean age at first birth (SD) 27.7 (5.2) 28.7 (5.1) 25.9 (5.0) <.001
Age at first birth (%)
<20.0 2450 (4.5) 497 (2.0) 1953 (6.7)
20.0‐25.0 15 856 (29.7) 5456 (22.2) 10 400 (36.1)
>25.0 27 505 (51.6) 15 214 (62.0) 12 291 (42.7)
Missing 7462 (14.0)
Mean number of births (SD) 1.9 (1.0) 2.1 (0.7) 2.2 (0.8) <.001
Number of births (%)
0 6644 (12.4) 3354 (13.6) 4162 (14.4)
1‐2 32 824 (61.6) 12 189 (49.6) 13 119 (45.6)
>2 13 012 (24.4) 4629 (18.8) 5815 (20.2)
Missing 793 (1.4)
Mean breast‐feeding duration (months) (SD) 18.8 (10.0) 20.6 (9.7) 18.1 (9.6) <.001
Duration of breast‐feeding (months) (%)
0 911 (1.7) 222 (0.9) 689 (2.3)
1‐5 1214 (2.2) 327 (1.3) 887 (3.0)
6‐12 6558 (12.3) 2168 (8.8) 4390 (15.2)
>12 33 830 (63.5) 16 212 (66.0) 17 618 (61.3)
Missing 9478 (17.7)
Mean time since last birth (years) (SD) 22.5 (12.1) 12.7 (6.6) 30.9 (8.9) <.001
Time since last birth (years) (%)
<10 7926 (14.8) 7695 (31.3) 231 (0.8)
≥10 38 444 (72.1) 13 656 (55.6) 24 788 (86.2)
Missing 6110 (11.4)
Mean age at menarche (SD) 13.1 (1.4) 12.9 (1.4) 13.2 (1.4) <.001
Age at menarche (%)
<13 17 782 (33.3) 9109 (37.1) 8673 (30.1)
≥13 33 876 (63.5) 14 776 (60.2) 19 100 (66.4)
Missing 1615 (3.0)
Oral contraceptives use (%)
Never 7512 (14.1) 2142 (8.7) 5370 (18.6)
Ever 44 441 (83.4) 22 114 (90.1) 22 327 (77.6)
Missing 1320 (2.4)
MTH use (%)
Never user 39 960 (75.0) 22 410 (91.3) 17 550 (61.0)
Former user 7373 (13.8) 779 (3.1) 6594 (22.9)
Current user 1879 (3.5) 355 (1.4) 1524 (5.3)
Missing 4061 (7.6)
Family history of breast cancer (%)
No 44 422 (83.3) 20 844 (84.9) 23 578 (82.0)
Yes 7211 (13.5) 2989 (12.1) 4222 (14.6)
Missing 1640 (3.0)
No of women with a PRS (%) 7387 3505 (47.4) 3882 (52.5)

Note: The number of women should be added to the number of missing.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; MET, the metabolic equivalent of task; MHT, menopausal hormone therapy; PRS, polygenic risk score.


P value for t test of means or χ2 test of proportions between premenopausal and postmenopausal women; tests were performed at the two‐sided .05 significance level.