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. 2021 Jan 22;14:72. doi: 10.1186/s13071-021-04583-y

Table 3.

Univariate logistic regression analysis of association between LF-related hydrocoele and individual/household risk factors; weighted and adjusted for survey design (n = 269)

Risk factor Total Proportion with hydrocoele (%)a Hydrocoele present
aORa 95% CIb P
Individual risk factors
 Age (by year) 268 1.05 1.03–1.08 < 0.001
 Occupation 265
  None/home duties 32 10.45 1.85 0.17–2.82 0.603
  Student 2 0
  Manual labour 213 3.32 0.54 0.04–6.89 0.625
  Other (ref) 18 5.93 1.00
 Work environment 258
  Outdoor 145 0.85 0.20c 0.05–0.72 0.014
  Indoor or mixed 113 7.29
 Moved to current village of residence 268
  Yes 42 7.68 2.14 0.45–10.24 0.327
  No 226 3.75
 CFAd positive 269
  Yes 19 12.25 3.65 0.81–16.38 0.088
  No 250 3.69
 Microfilariae positivee 266
  Yes 7 18.18 5.39 0.83–35.04 0.076
  No 259 3.96
 Never taken MDA medication 269
  Yes 56 4.66 1.15 0.22–5.98 0.859
  No 213 4.07
Household risk factors
 Township 269
  Amarapura 59 13.92 11.12 1.85–66.89 0.011
  Patheingyi 27 8.02 5.98 0.40–89.48 0.184
  Tada-U 64 1.73 1.21 0.08–17.21 0.884
  Wundwin (ref) 119 1.44 1.00
 Log household monthly income 1.43 0.77–2.64 0.241
 Highest HH education 268
  None/primary 81 2.74 0.26 0.03–2.78 0.253
  Secondary 150 3.29 0.32 0.04–2.41 0.253
  Tertiary (ref) 37 9.72 1.00
 Drinking water type (by WHO classification) 268 1.01 0.41–2.47 0.981
 Sanitation type (by WHO classification) 269 0.26 0.04–1.63 0.143
 Elevation (by metre) 269 0.98 0.96–1.01 0.148
 Distance to nearest water body (per km) 267 0.95 0.89–1.01 0.075
 No. of people per HH room (ratio) 259 1.35 0.92–1.98 0.116

aAdjusted for survey design

b95% confidence interval

cUnadjusted values given due to study stratum with single sampling unit

dCirculating filarial antigen

eAll CFA negative individuals assumed to be microfilariae negative

Italics values indicate P < 0.05