Table 4.
Drug Delivery System Employed | Author, Year, and Ref. No. | Drug Used | Trade Name of the Drug If Mentioned | Treatment Design | No. of Subjects in the Study | Duration of the Study | Major Outcome of the Study |
DOX MC | Moura L.A. et al. [57] (2015) | Locally delivered DOX by poly (L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) MC | Not mentioned | Pilot study | 19 periodontal pockets | 20 | On the 20th day of evaluation, the researchers found a significant reduction in the concentration of drug in the GCF (19.69 ± 4.70 μg/mL). The DOX delivery system demonstrated a significantly good outcome in the patients with chronic periodontitis. |
Rao S.K. et al. [58] (2012) | DOX MC | Not mentioned | Parallel, single-blind, randomized, prospective study |
14 | 180 | DOX MC significantly led to improvement of clinical parameters and reduced P. gingivalis levels in the periodontal pocket. |
Gad H.A. et al. [59] (2017) | SLMs encapsulating DOX hydrochloride (DH) and MTZ | Not applicable since the gel was formulated in their pharmacy. | In-vitro and in-vivo clinical split mouth design study | 12 | 14 | Results revealed that the SLMs were safe to use and there was significant improvement in both microbiological and clinical parameters as compared to SRD alone. | |
MIN MC | Bland P.S. et al. [60] (2010) | MIN hydrochloride MC | Not mentioned | Multicenter, single-blind, randomized, parallel group, phase IV study. | 127 | 30 | Treatment using MIN MC greatly reduced the number of red complex bacteria and PPD significantly. |
Chiappe V.B. et al. [61] (2015) | MIN microgranules | Not mentioned | Randomized clinical and microbiological trial. | 26 | 90 | Results of this investigation revealed that MIN MC adjunct to SRD resulted in greater reduction of BOP and PD, higher CAL gain and decrease in the number of red complex bacteria, increased probability of Pg suppression and retarded recolonization of Treponema denticola when compared to SRD alone | |
Srirangarajan S. et al. [62] (2011) | MIN MC and Commercially available MIN gel. | Atridox, Atrix Laboratories, Fort Collins, CO. | Randomized, split-mouth, single-masked study. | 50 | 270 | MC had a more sustained release and the initial drug concentration at the local site was high. There was also significant improvement in the PI and GI. | |
Tabenski L. et al. [63] (2017) | aPDT and Local application of MIN MC |
aPDT; Helbo® Photodynamic Systems) and Local application of MIN MC (MC; Arestin, OraPharma) |
RCT | 45 | 365 | Neither of the systems showed any significant additional benefit in the management of periodontal disease. |