Figure 2.
Human WGE iPSCs can differentiate toward an STR fate but retain distinct methylation profiles. (A) Human WGE iPSCs undergoing STR differentiation: neuroectodermal progenitors expressing ZO-1 (red) and Nestin (green) (day 12 to day 14); ventral telencephalon progenitors expressing DLX1 (red) and DLX2 (green) (day 14 to day 18); STR progenitors expressing β-III tubulin (red) and ISL1 (green) (day 18 to day 25); MSNs expressing CTIP2 (red) and DARPP-32 (green) (day 35 to day 45); and a phase contrast image showing mature neuronal morphology (see also supplementary Figure 2). (B) Heat map and (C) MDS plot of the 1000 most variably methylated probes between undifferentiated PSCs and differentiated STR cells. (D) Results of gene enrichment analysis of differentially methylated genes between PSC (n = 3) and STR (n = 3) samples, showing the top four most significant associated terms in the Allen Brain Atlas upregulated gene library, adjusted Pvalues and associated genes. MDS, multidimensional scaling. (Color version of figure is available online).