Fig. 5.
Chronic BPA exposure using physiologically relevant doses partially inhibits SGs assembly. (A) Schematic indicating experiment performed to generate data in B and C. (B) Quantification of SGs assesed by direct fluorescence of GFP-G3BP1 in stably expressing U2OS cells treated with BPA by acute (400 µM, 60 min), chronic (4.38 nM, 24 h) or both chronic and acute treatment. (C) Same experiment (and data) as B showing how experimental samples pair as indicated by the line. Error bars in B and C represent +/- one standard deviation. (D) Quantification of SGs detected by immunofluorescence in U2OS long term, chronically BPA-treated cells (5 nM, 1 month; half grey half black shapes) or cells left untreated (solid black shapes) then treated with 75 µM ARS or 350 µM BPA for 60 min or heat shocked at 42°C for 25 min. Lines between chronically BPA-treated and untreated samples indicate experimentally paired samples. n=3–5 replicates per condition, as indicated by paired data in C and D.