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. 2020 Dec 24;11(1):13. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11010013

Table 1.

Demographics and clinical characteristics of healthy controls and premutation carriers with and without fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS).

Characteristics Controls (n = 16) FXTAS− (n = 6) FXTAS+ (n = 9) F p
Age (yr) 53.13 (8.41) 57.00 (6.20) 63.33 (8.35) # 4.645 0.018 *
Height (cm) 167.61 (7.77) 167.38 (12.76) 165.14 (5.09) 0.269 0.766
Leg length (cm) 86.31 (7.21) 89.33 (5.78) 85.93 (2.61) 0.686 0.512
Weight (kg) 80.77 (16.41) 82.56 (26.42) 83.77 (25.11) 0.060 0.941
Male (n) φ 8 2 3 0.883 0.643
Full scale IQ 106.63 (14.15) 99.50 (8.14) 102.67 (16.73) 0.622 0.544
CGG repeats 74 (60–102) 83 (58-107) 0.416 0.531
ICARS speech 0 (0) 0 (0–2) 1.493 0.245
ICARS kinetic 0 (0) 2 (1–7) 9.288 0.010 *
ICARS oculomotor 0.5 (0–1) 0 (0–3) 0.468 0.507
ICARS posture and gait 1.5 (0–3) 5 (1–7) 12.039 0.005 **
ICARS total 2 (0–4) 8 (2–19) 9.510 0.009 **

Age, height, leg length, and weight are reported as (mean (SD)); CGG repeats and ICARS scores are reported as (median (range)). φ Chi-square statistics. # FXTAS+ group differs from healthy controls. FXTAS+ group differs from FXTAS− group. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. Bold highlight significant findings.