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. 2020 Dec 31;13(1):137. doi: 10.3390/nu13010137

Table 5.

The relationship of adherence to age-appropriate feeding practices and other determinants with child Weight-for-Height (WHZ).

Model 1 a Model 2 b Model 3 c
Full Adjusted Model Total Number of Adherence to MDD or MMF
(n = 1058; Observations = 5871)
Total Number of Adherence to MAD
(n = 1058; Observations = 5871)
Total Number of Adherence to ADF
(n = 1058; Observations = 5871)
Fixed effects Cof 95 CI% p-Value Cof 95 CI% p-Value Cof 95 CI% p-Value
Age (in month) −0.05 −0.06–−0.05 <0.001 −0.05 −0.06–−0.04 <0.001 −0.05 −0.06–−0.05 <0.001
Age2 (in months) 0.001 0.0009–0.0013 <0.001 0.001 0.0009–0.0013 <0.001 0.001 0.0009–0.0013 <0.001
Total number of adherence to MDD (Never)
1 or 2 times 0.05 −0.04–0.13 0.318
3 or always 0.19 0.08–0.30 0.001
Total number of adherence to MMF(Never)
1 or 2 times 0.20 −0.07–0.47 0.155
3 or always 0.07 −0.20–0.34 0.634
Total number of adherence to MAD (Never)
1 or 2 times 0.05 −0.03–0.13 0.215
3 or always 0.16 0.05–0.27 0.005
Total number of adherence to ADF(Never)
1 or 2 times −0.02 −0.10–0.06 0.632
3 or always 0.01 −0.13–0.14 0.928
Maternal education (years) 0.01 −0.00–0.02 0.052 0.01 0.0002–0.02 0.045 0.01 0.001–0.02 0.030
Wealth index 0.07 0.047–0.100 <0.001 0.08 0.05–0.10 <0.001 0.08 0.05–0.10 <0.001
Random effects
Variances of random intercept 0.01 0.0009–0.04 0.006 0.001–0.04 0.01 0.001–0.04
Variance of random slope 0.002 0.001–0.002 0.001 0.001–0.002 0.002 0.001–0.002
Variance of residuals 0.55 0.53–0.58 0.56 0.53–0.58 0.56 0.53–0.58
Log-likelihood −7514.27 −7521.16 −7524.93
LR test <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

a Model 1 presents linear mixed-effects model of the relationship between adherence to MDD or MMF and other determinants with WHZ. b Model 2 presents linear mixed-effects model of the relationship between adherence to MAD and other determinants with WHZ. c Model 3 presents linear mixed-effects model of the relationship between adherence to ADF and other determinants with WHZ. Age2 = Age square is added to the model since the relationship between age and WHZ is non-linear. p-Value is statistically significant at p < 0.05. MDD = minimum dietary diversity, MMF = minimum meal frequency; MAD = minimum acceptable diet; and ADF = age-appropriate daily feeding; Cof = coefficient; CI = confidence interval.