Figure 3.
GlucoCEST MRI. (A) Chemical structure of glucose. (B) Z-spectra and MTRasym spectra of glucose and its first-step metabolite glucose 6-phosphate, as compared to that of fructose 6-phosphate and fructose 6,1-biphosphate (Reprinted with permission from Ref [60]). (C) Overview of rate constants and contrast contributions (darker color = higher contrast; white is negligible contrast) for glucoCEST, 18FDG-PET, and contrast-enhanced MRI and CT in tumors. For glucoCEST, the glucose concentrations in vascular space and EES are comparable, but due to lower pH the EES has a higher signal contribution. Intracellular signal is very small to negligible due to rapid glycolysis. In PET, the signal is predominantly due to trapped intracellular phosphorylated FDG. For contrast-enhanced MR and CT, the agents occupy only plasma in blood and while they enter the interstitium, the EES concentration is generally lower than in plasma due to limited Ktrans. Glucose, on the other hand moves freely into the interstitium and the erythrocytes. v = vascular (plasma + erythrocytes), p = plasma. Reprinted with permission from Ref [61].