Rab6A is massively present all over the brain. In relation to the corresponding controls reacted without primary antibody (A,C,E), specific immunostaining of mouse tissue sections showed massive, uniform, and ubiquitous presence of Rab6A in all brain regions investigated; including (B) cortex with corpus callosum, (D) hippocampus, (F) medial septum. Note blood vessels in hippocampal fissure (hif). cc, corpus callosum; ctx, cortex; gc, granule cell layer; hif, hippocampal fissure; lac, stratum lacunosum-moleculare; med. septum, medial septum; mol, molecular cell layer; or, stratum oriens; pyr, stratum pyramidale; rad, stratum radiatum. Scale (in F, for A–F): 50 µm.