Fig. 2.
Comparison of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) expected based on amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and those detected through metagenomic read mapping of CL500-11 sequences from Lake Biwa. a The rows represent 30 individual SNP sites expected from ASVs in the lake. Row labels indicate base positions within the 16S rRNA, ITS, and 23S rRNA genes. Colors of the boxes indicate whether variations were expected from ASV, detected through mapping, or both (see the legend at the top right). Numbers in the boxes indicate the proportions (%) of SNPs expected from ASV abundances, where rare (< 10%) variants are shown in black and others are in white. b The summarized proportions of expected and detected statuses among the observed SNPs illustrated in (a). c Comparison of the base proportions expected from ASV and detected through mapping for four major SNP sites (indicated by asterisks in (a)) that differentiate the four dominant ASVs in the lake (shown in Fig. 3)