Table 1.
F0 (Diet or Genotype) | Offspring Phenotype | |||||
Rodent Model and Breeding Method | F0 ♂ | F0 ♀ | F1 | F2 | Mechanism Unveiled | Reference Number |
Rat/Natural mating | HFD | NC |
♀ β -cell dysfunction (glucose intolerance, ↓ insulin secretion) |
- | 642 differentially expressed genes in F1 islets. Hypomethylation of the Il13ra2 gene |
[201] |
Mouse/Natural mating | 24 h premating fasting | NC |
♂and♀ ↓ non fasting glycemia |
- | - | [202] |
Mouse/Natural mating | Multiple low dose streptozotocin | NC |
♂ Insulitis ↓ insulin secretion |
- | - | [203] |
Mouse/Natural mating | HFD | NC |
♂and♀ Glucose intolerance Insulin resistance |
- | Altered expression of genes involved in glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion in F1 islets. Altered cytosine DNA methylation in F1 islets and F0 sperm. | [204] |
Mouse/IVF (using all gamete combinations) | 6 weeks on HFD or NC |
6 weeks on NC or HFD |
♂and♀ ↑ susceptivility to develop obesity and diabetes in progeny from HFD-fed F0 respect to progeny from NC-fed F0 |
- | - | [205] |
Mouse/ IVF or zygote microinjection of total RNA or tRHs isolated from sperm from HFD-fed males | HFD | NC |
♂and♀ Glucose intolerance Insulin resistance (only after IVF) |
- | ↑ m5C and m5G in F0 sperm tRNAs. ↑ 5′-tRH in F0 sperm. ↓ expression of genes involved in metabolic regulation pathways in 8 cell F1 embryos. |
[30,55] |
Mouse/Natural mating | Congenic model of obesity and pre-diabetes Avy/a mouse) NC |
NC (a/a) |
♂and♀ ↑ obesity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in HFD-fed offspring of Avy/a mice respect to control mice |
♂and♀ ↑ obesity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in the progeny of Avy/a grandfathers (even if F1 males were fed NC) |
miRNA and tRH changes in F1 sperm from Avy/a fathers respect to F1 from control fathers: ↑ 5′-tRHGly(CCC) and ↓ 5′-tRHGlu(CTC).5′-tRHsGlu(CTC) binds to Argonaute and may act as miRNA regulating gene expression. | [208] |
Rat/ Natural mating | HFD for 12 weeks | NC |
♀↓ β-cell mass Glucose intolerance |
♀ ↓ insulin secretion Glucose intolerance |
DNA methylation changes in sperm from F0 and F1. Differential expression of miRNAs and 41 tRNA fragments. | [209] |
Mouse/ Natural mating in F0 (the F2 generation was obtained by microinjection of total RNA or 5-tRHs from F1 sperm into normal zygotes) | NC | HFD for 9 weeks |
♂and ♀ ↑ weight gain ↑ blood glucose ↑ insulin secretion ↑ obesogenic eating phenotype ↑addictive-like behaviour |
Identification of 13 differentially expressed 5′-tRHs in sperm from F1 derived from HFD-mothers. | [210] |