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. 2019 Oct 22;57(4):740–746. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezz287

Table 1:

Unmatched comparison between patients with and without neoadjuvant treatment undergoing lobectomy

Variables Without neoadjuvant (42 568 patients) With neoadjuvant (3827 patients) Standardized difference (%)
Age (years), mean (SD) 65.0 (9.4) 61.6 (8.9) 37
Female gender, n (%) 14 169 (33) 1177 (31) 5
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) 25.5 (4.1) 25.1 (4.0) 10
ppoFEV1%, mean (SD) 73.2 (17.1) 71.2 (16.2) 11
CAD, n (%) 3865 (9.1) 299 (7.8) 4
CVD, n (%) 1443 (3.4) 95 (2.5) 5
Diabetes, n (%) 1565 (3.6) 119 (3.1) 3
PS >1, n (%) 3009 (7.1) 313 (8.2) –4
Minimally invasive access, n (%) 10 042 (24) 295 (7.7) 38
pT stage >1, n (%) 26 717 (63) 2515 (66) 6
pN stage positive, n (%) 14 477 (34) 1789 (47) 27

BMI: body mass index; CAD: coronary artery disease; CVD: cerebrovascular disease; pN: pathological nodal stage; ppoFEV1: predicted postoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 s; PS: performance score; pT: pathological tumour stage; SD: standard deviation.