Overall frequency and composition of the immune cell infiltrate with respect to the CD34+ blast cell count in MDS and sAML. (A) Determination of the frequency of CD3+ T cells, CD3+CD8+ T cells, CD3+CD8− T cells, CD3+FOXP3+ T cells and MUM1p+CD3− B/plasma cells in relation to the total of cells within the BMB demonstrating minor differences within the respective groups. In contrast, the spatial distribution of immune cell subsets in relation to the CD34+ blast frequency in BMBs of MDS and sAML patients compared to controls revealed a significantly elevated frequency of MUM1p+CD3− B/plasma cells in sAML cases with >30% CD34+ blasts when compared to all other diseased patients. Analysis of the different intercellular distances (categories I–IV) demonstrated the most significant differences within a radius of 10 µm [II]. Representative data are shown for the parameters direct intercellular contact (B) and intercellular distance of 10 µm (C). Statistically significant relations are marked with asterisks (* p < 0.05; ** p <0.005, *** p < 0.0005).