Figure 1.
Upper part: sections from low-dose, native chest CTs of both patients during expiratory hold with PEEP 10 cmH2O, as well as during inspiratory hold (airway pressure 45 cmH2O). Although both patients exhibited a distinct recruitability of the lungs, the underlying COVID-19 pattern explains the poor functional effect of higher PEEP levels in improving oxygenation. Lower part: this graph displays the volumes determined in the chest CTs (y-axis) per a range of 5 Hounsfield units (x-axis) at 10 cmH2O (light grey) and 45 cmH2O (black). Circles represent data from patient 1, triangles data from patient 2. The insert at the upper left shows the absolute lung volumes in liters classified as non-aerated, poorly aerated, normally aerated and overaerated again comparing the two pressures in both patients. Note the differences between the absolute lung volumes at both pressure levels (at 45 cmH2O about 6.5 l for patient 1, about 4.5 l for patient 2).