Fig. 3.
Comparison of the root-mean-squared deviation (rmsd) with respect to an atomic model (PDB ID code 5L93) of a CA-SP1 monomer within a complete hexamer (A) and incomplete hexamers missing two Gag subunits (B–D). The CANTD (CACTD) of the analyzed monomer is colored blue (red), while the remaining CANTD (CACTD) domains are colored cyan (orange). From B–D, a Gag subunit adjacent to the analyzed monomer is removed such that the analyzed monomer maintains its CACTD dimer contact and one of two CANTD trimer contacts (B), maintains its CACTD dimer contact and no CANTD trimer contacts (C), and lacks both CACTD dimer and CANTD trimer contacts (D); monomers that are missing are depicted in black. We note that the states analyzed in A–C are observed by cryo-EM while D is not and serves as a basis for comparison. Each box bounds the upper and lower quartiles with the central line indicating the median, while the whiskers show the extrema of the distributions. Blue (red) boxes refer to the analyzed CANTD (CACTD) monomer. The dotted line marks a rmsd of 0.3 nm and serves as a guide to the eye. See also SI Appendix, Fig. S4.