Mitochondrial respiratory test. (a) Mean V0, VADP, Vsucc, Vrot, Vtmpd in vital, transition and ischemic zones did not show any statistically significant difference. The mean RCR (VADP/V0) was statistically significantly decreased in the ischemic zone (1.532 ± 0.7295), as compared to the vital zone (2.987 ± 1.048, p = 0.0015) and to the transition zone (2.348 ± 1.205, p = 0.0465). (b) The line charts of three different zones among the five values concerning mitochondrial activity are shown (Mean ± SD) * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. VIT: vital zone, TRA: transition zone, ISC: ischemic zone, ns: not significant.