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. 2021 Jan 12;22(2):678. doi: 10.3390/ijms22020678
ARID5B AT rich interactive domain 5B
BSA Bovines Serum Albumin
BP Biological pathway
CC Cellular compartment
ChIP-seq Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing
DR1 Direct repeat DNA element 1
ETS E26 transformation-specific
FACT Facilitates chromatin transcription
FDR False Discovery Rate
GFP Green Fluorescent Protein
GSEA Gene set enrichment analysis
GO Gene Ontology
HPRT1 Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase 1
IF Immunofluorescence
IP Immunoprecipitation
JAZF1 Juxtaposed with another zinc finger 1
KAT Lysine Acetyltransferase
MBTD1 MBT domain protein 1
MIER1 Mesoderm induction early response 1
MS Mass spectrometry
NES Normalized Enrichment Score
PCA Principle component analysis
RNA-seq RNA-sequencing
rRNA ribosomal RNA
RT-qPCR Reverse Transcriptase-quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
SD Standard Deviation
SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture
siNTC Non-target control siRNA
siJAZF1 JAZF1-specific siRNA
siTIP60 TIP60-specific siRNA
siRNA small interfering RNA
snoRNP small nucleolar Ribonuclear Protein
T2D Type 2 Diabetes
TIP60 TAT-Interactive Protein 60 kDa
TSS Transcriptional Start Site