(A) Recovery of growth of Δsod1 S. cerevisiae mutant in hypertonic medium in the presence of raspberry, blackberry and tayberry leaf bud extracts. Forms: 1—‘Cascade Delight’, 2—‘Glen Fyne’, 3—‘Octavia’, 4—‘Navaho’, 5—wild blackberry, 6—raspberry-blackberry hybrid. Extracts: W—water, EW—ethanol-water, GW—glycerol-water. Error bars represents ±SD. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at α = 0.05. (B) Colorimetric reaction of resazurin dye showing the effects of 1W, 1EW, 1GW extracts on growth intensity of Δsod1 S. cerevisiae culture. Column X: PBS without a yeast suspension, column A: Δsod1 culture on standard YPD medium (positive control), column B: Δsod1 culture on hypertonic medium (negative control), columns 1W to 1GW: Δsod1 culture on hypertonic medium with the addition of an appropriate extract.