Figure 7.
MDA-MB-231 EVs induce proteomic transformation in the lung and activate purinergic events associated with pre-metastatic niche formation. Mass spectrometry was performed on TMT-labeled lungs from mice treated for three weeks with PBS (n = 3) or MDA-MB-231 EVs (n = 6). (A) Heatmap with hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed proteins at the p < 0.05 significance level with log2 fold-change above 0.5. Row min and max reflect log2 fold-change values. (B) Principal component analysis of the top 107 differentially expressed proteins with raw p-values < 0.01. n = 3 for PBS-treated mice (Ctrl1-3) and n = 6 for MDA-MB-231 EV-treated mice (231r1-6). (C) Venn diagram of significant pathways, biological processes, and molecular functions identified by IPA, iPG, and STRING software. FDR correction was applied at the protein dataset level and during pathway analyses with significance defined at p < 0.05. (D) Top 10 canonical pathways perturbed by MDA-MB-231 EV treatment, as identified by IPA analysis.