Figure 8.
Aztreonam lysine (AzLys) shortens the eclipse period of the phiKZ one-step growth curve. Phage phiKZ was mixed with P. aeruginosa PA01 grown with or without 1.06 μg/mL AzLys at a MOI of approximately three and phage titer was determined periodically over a 2 h incubation. (A) The one-step growth curve of phiKZ, with each point representing the average of nine samples from three separate trials. Statistical analysis was performed using a paired t-test. (B) Growth rate of graph in (A) determined using the averages from each trial and calculated using growth rate equation log10N-log10N0 = (μ/2.303) (t-t0). All error bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM).