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. 2021 Jan 11;14(2):332. doi: 10.3390/ma14020332
AIR Acoustic insulation resistance
AE Aggressive environment
ASR Alkali-silica reaction
CNP Calcined natural pozzolan
CAPOFA Calcium salt palm oil fuel ash
DS Drying shrinkage
EDX Energy dispersive X-ray
FELCRA Federal land consolidation and rehabilitation authority
FELDA Federal land development authority
FA Fly ash
GFC Foamed concrete
GGBS Ground granulated blast-furnace slag
HoH Heat of hydration
ISAT Initial surface absorption test
LAAM Los Angeles abrasion machine
MIP Mercury intrusion Porosimetry
Mt Million tons
MTPOFA Modified treated-POFA
MoE Modulus of elasticity
NWC Normal weight concrete
OPC Ordinary Portland cement
PO Palm oil
POC Palm oil clinker
POFA Palm-oil-fuel-ash
PCR Partial cement replacement
PSA Particle size analyzer
PCE Polycarboxylate ether
PA Pozzolanic activity
PFA Pulverized fuel ash
RCPT Rapid chloride penetration test
RoCA Rate of capillary absorption
R Raw
RC Reinforced concrete
RISDA Rubber industry smallholders development authority
SEM Scanning electron microscopy
SL Slump loss
SG Specific gravity
STS Splitting tensile strength
SAI Strength activity index
SP Superplasticizer
VSI Visual stability index