Figure 2.
Cell wall labeling at the 0 and 1 h time points with cellulose (CBM3a) (A,E,I,J), mixed-linkage glucan (MLG) (B,F,K), arabinoxylan (AX) (LM11) (C,G), and callose (D,H) using laser scanning microscopy (LSM) (A–H) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (I–K). At the 0 h time point, minimal wall labeling was observed, but some small patches of material were detected for each antibody and may represent nascent areas of cell wall regeneration. Under the TEM at the 0 h time point, wall labeling was not apparent after probing for cellulose (I), xyloglucan, MLG, AX, pectin, callose, and mannan (not shown). At the 1 h time point, only cellulose was detected (J) and not MLG (K) at the developing wall sites (arrows) at the plasma membrane (PM). The Golgi (G) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are present in I. Scale bars (A–H) = 5 μm, (I) = 500 nm, and (J–K) = 200 nm.