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. 2021 Jan 12;11(1):165. doi: 10.3390/ani11010165
Questionnaire-guided interview questions (based on UC Davis cow and calf animal welfare assessment protocol, 2016) will address the following welfare management related questions on each farm.
  1. Please state your cattle herd number ( ), number of breeding females ( ) and number of males/bulls ( )

  2. Which type and numbers of other animals you have on the farm (breed, class)?

General Herd Management
  1. How are your cattle identified (ear tag, ear notch, branded, other marking)? At what age?

  2. Do you do dehorn or disbudding operations on your cattle? At what age? Which method?

  3. Do you castrate your cattle? At what age? Which method?

  4. At what age are your calves weaned? How?

  5. What is the source of water for cattle on the farm? How far do cattle walk to water source?

  6. Do you monitor the grazing of your cattle? How often? How far do cattle walk to grazing?

  7. What is the condition of grazing (quantity and quality)? Stocking density rate/carrying capacity?

  8. What are the main supplementary feeds for cattle used? Any other wintering practices that you do regarding feeding of animals? What is the general body condition of cattle now?

  9. Do you get veterinarian or veterinary services visits? How often? What purpose?

  10. What training do you have relating to animal health and husbandry? How do you keep abreast?

  • 11.

    How many handlers per stock do you have on the farm (ratio of staff per stock unit)?

  • 12.

    How frequently do you yard cattle for handling/restraining? For what purpose?

  • 13.

    Do you use any other handling devices (sticks, ropes, plastics) to handle the cattle?

  • 14.

    Do you use horses to handle the cattle on the farm? Do you use dogs in the cattle yards?

  • 15.

    Do you do health checks on your cattle (especially pregnant cows)? How often or when?

  • 16.

    In the last year, how many cattle did you cull for any health-related issues?

  • 17.

    How many died from diseases/disorders/deficiency? What were the main causes of sickness and deaths of cattle on the farm? (Respiratory, diarrhea, bloat, pink eyes, lameness, lumpy skin disease, botulism? udder problems etc.)

  • 18.

    What were the main clinical signs of unknown causes of cattle sickness and deaths on the farm? Any other disease or health abnormalities in the herd?

  • 19.

    What treatments are you likely to perform on your cattle? How many cattle recovered from treatment?

  • 20.

    Do you vaccinate your cattle? For which diseases? When or how often?

  • 21.

    Do you control internal and external parasite on your cattle? How/With what products? When or how often?

  • 22.

    Do you get animals injured in the yard, chute/race or paddocks? How many? From what exactly?

  • 23.

    Have you lost animals from hazards (falling in dams/creeks, hills etc., wire sticking etc.)? How many and from what exactly?

  • 24.

    Do you get cattle injured in the yard (kraal), paddocks (camps) or chute (manga? How many?

  • 25.

    Do you lose animals from poisonous plant/other poisoning? Which type? How many cattle died?

  • 26.

    Do you have predation problems? What predators? How many cattle succumbed to the specific predators?

  • 27.

    Any cattle bitten by snake? What was the outcome?

  • 28.

    Did you experience any reproductive conditions in cattle in the last year? Which one? (Retained placenta, prolapse vagina/uterus, abortion, dystocia). How many cases of each? What was the outcome (assisted/culled/died, etc.?)