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. 2021 Jan 14;18(2):651. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18020651

Table 4.

Frequency distribution of the injury severity on the environmental factors.

Variable Categories Injury Severity Level Total Injury p
Station Type Non-interchange station 20(54.1%) 498(56.6%) 28(56.0%) 546(56.5%) 0.952
Interchange stations 17(45.9%) 382(43.4%) 22(44.0%) 421(43.5%)
Passenger Flow (PF) <50,000 16(43.2%) 421(47.8%) 21(42.0%) 458(47.4%) 0.059
50,000 ≤ PF < 100,000 5(13.5%) 133(15.1%) 10(20.0%) 148(15.3%)
100,000 ≤ PF < 200,000 7(18.9%) 121(13.8%) 7(14.0%) 135(14.0%)
200,000 ≤PF < 300,000 9(24.3%) 129(14.7%) 3(6.0%) 141(14.6%)
≥300,000 0(0.0%) 76(8.6%) 9(19.0%) 85(8.8%)
Weather condition Non-raining 24(64.9%) 543(61.7%) 22(44.0%) 589(60.9%) 0.039
Raining 13(35.1%) 337(38.3%) 28(56.0%) 378(39.1%)
Time Operation opening time–07:29 1(2.7%) 22(2.5%) 1(2.0%) 24(2.5%) 0.827
7:30–9:29 1(2.7%) 75(8.5%) 5(10.0%) 81(8.4%)
9:30–17:29 22(59.5%) 568(64.5%) 34(68.0%) 624(64.5%)
17:30–19:29 4(10.8%) 79(9.0%) 4(8.0%) 87()9.0%
19:30–operation closing time 9(24.3%) 136(15.5%) 6(12.0%) 151(15.6%)