Intestinal lengths following oral cardamom essential oil application to C. jejuni-infected microbiota-depleted IL-10−/− mice. Microbiota-depleted IL-10−/− mice were infected with C. jejuni strain 81–176 on days 0 and 1 by gavage and perorally challenged with cardamom essential oil (CARD; white circles) via the drinking water starting on day 2 post-infection, whereas mock control mice received vehicle (black circles). On day 6 post-infection, the (A) small intestinal and (B) colonic lengths were measured with a ruler. Naive mice (open diamonds) served as untreated and uninfected controls. The box plots indicating the 75th and the 25th percentiles of the median (black bar within box), the total range, the levels of significance (p values) as calculated with the Kruskal–Wallis test and Dunn’s post-correction, and the number of analyzed mice (in parentheses) are shown. Data were pooled from four independent experiments.