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. 2021 Jan 11;11:604781. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.604781


Genome-wide prediction abilities within and across row type subpopulations for the winter barley accessions phenotyped for flowering time (FT), plant height (PH), and thousand grain weight (TGW).

Trait Training set Test set
2-Rowed 6-Rowed Intermedium
FT 2-Rowed 0.691 (0.013) 0.439 (0.016) 0.260 (0.021)
6-Rowed 0.544 (0.005) 0.701 (0.007) 0.427 (0.005)
Intermedium 0.352 (0.103) 0.344 (0.070) 0.450 (0.052)
PH 2-Rowed 0.785 (0.005) 0.593 (0.051) 0.645 (0.020)
6-Rowed 0.493 (0.014) 0.830 (0.002) 0.712 (0.002)
Intermedium 0.500 (0.090) 0.532 (0.010) 0.713 (0.021)
TGW 2-Rowed 0.610 (0.012) 0.682 (0.012) 0.582 (0.017)
6-Rowed 0.354 (0.009) 0.860 (0.002) 0.728 (0.001)
Intermedium 0.128 (0.101) 0.651 (0.053) 0.741 (0.025)

The standard deviations of the prediction abilities were presented in brackets.