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. 2021 Jan 11;11:604781. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.604781


Genome-wide prediction abilities of flowering time (FT), plant height (PH), and thousand grain weight (TGW) obtained by applying five-fold cross validation to the entire set of phenotyped spring barley accessions modeling the row type as covariate (RT).

Trait Method All 2-Rowed 6-Rowed Deficiens Intermedium Labile
FT RT-covariatea 0.734 (0.003) 0.685 (0.004) 0.741 (0.003) 0.638 (0.009) 0.779 (0.007) 0.859 (0.004)
RT-ignoredb 0.734 (0.003) 0.685 (0.004) 0.741 (0.004) 0.638 (0.008) 0.778 (0.006) 0.859 (0.004)
RT-withinc n.a. 0.690 (0.003) 0.741 (0.003) 0.572 (0.032) 0.690 (0.036) 0.861 (0.008)
PH RT-covariate 0.794 (0.001) 0.722 (0.002) 0.817 (0.001) 0.623 (0.008) 0.749 (0.007) 0.514 (0.010)
RT-ignored 0.791 (0.001) 0.719 (0.002) 0.815 (0.001) 0.614 (0.008) 0.751 (0.007) 0.530 (0.011)
RT-within n.a. 0.718 (0.003) 0.815 (0.001) 0.601 (0.013) 0.670 (0.011) 0.544 (0.023)
TGW RT-covariate 0.855 (0.001) 0.719 (0.004) 0.862 (0.001) 0.650 (0.012) 0.849 (0.006) 0.425 (0.019)
RT-ignored 0.841 (0.001) 0.693 (0.005) 0.850 (0.002) 0.600 (0.011) 0.893 (0.005) 0.349 (0.014)
RT-within n.a. 0.712 (0.003) 0.863 (0.002) 0.633 (0.014) 0.852 (0.008) 0.477 (0.028)

aRow type was treated as a covariate (fixed effect). bRow type was not considered in the model. cWith-in row type prediction, results were extracted from Table 3 for comparison. For each row type subpopulation, the prediction ability was compared with the result obtained in the within-subpopulation prediction. The standard deviations of the prediction abilities were presented in brackets.