The SCP neurofeedback setting. At the beginning of each trial, a triangle was displayed, specifying the polarity of the requested SCP shift of the upcoming regulation trial: a triangle pointing upwards required negative SCP shifts (increase of cortical activation), while a triangle downwards indicated required positive SCP shifts (inhibition of cortical activation). After baseline recording, the current SCP activity was displayed as an object (e.g., a fish or a moon) at the participants’ screen in real time and moved accordingly to the participants’ brain activity upwards (indicating an increase in cortical activation) or downwards (indicating a decrease in cortical activation). The participants should learn how to volitionally move the object up or down by controlling their SCP in the required polarity. All successful changes (i.e., declinations from baseline in the required polarity with duration of 2 consecutive sec in the last 4sec of each trial) were rewarded with the symbol of a sun after each trial and motivational feedback from trainers.