The influenza vaccine is totally ineffective.
The influenza vaccine is a scam by the big pharmaceutical industries to make money from vulnerable people.
Influenza vaccines are used to control our minds—the vaccine is a way to introduce control agents/nanotechnology microchips into our bodies, in addition to experimental pathogens.
Influenza vaccines often make the flu worse.
It is better to drink celery, ginger, lemon, and pineapple juice than obtain an influenza shot.
It is best to drink hot tea made from lemons, oranges, pineapple, ginger, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, cayenne pepper, stevia or organic honey, and garlic than obtain an influenza shot.
Drinking cod liver oil, thyme, turmeric or ginger tea, honey, and calendrus is a good alternative to the influenza vaccine.
Influenza vaccines are not safe.
Influenza vaccines spread the flu—people who receive influenza vaccines release 630 percent more influenza virus particles into the air compared to unvaccinated people.
The vaccine is toxic to health because it is made from formaldehyde and thiomerosal (derived from mercury), which are neurotoxins with harmful effects on people’s health.
The mercury and aluminum contained in influenza vaccines alter the immune system, causing it to not work properly and slowing it down.
Influenza vaccination among children is associated with autistic children.