Fig. 4.
Prognostic value of the CD8+:B cells ratio. A) Correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation of activated CD8+ expressing CD38+ and HLADR (CD38+HLADR + CD8+) and outcome (duration of hospitalisation) (i), an inverse correlation of the ratio of CD8+:B cells with ii) outcome iii) C-reactive protein iv) IL-6 v) neutrophil total count and a positive correlation with Natural Killer-like T cells (vi). B). A significant decrease of the ratio of CD8+:B cells was observed between non-intubated and intubated (i) as well as between intubated survivors versus non-survivors (ii). Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney U test or Wilcoxon test. *p < 0.05. C) Receiving operating curve analysis of CD8+:B cells in predicting poor prognosis as the requirement of mechanical ventilation. AUC = 0.7477, Standard error = 0.0729, 95% Confidence interval; 0.5922 to 0.9031, p = 0.007. cut-off = 1.323, sensitivity = 81.48%, specificity = 68.77%, likelihood ratio = 2.607.