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. 2021 Jan 25;49(3):463–473. doi: 10.1007/s15010-020-01566-6

Table 2.

Pearson’s correlation coefficients and p values for COVID cases and other factors

Total cases per million Tests per thousand Stringency index Population density Median age GDP per capita Extreme poverty Hospital beds/thousand BCG Immuni-zation DTP3 Immuni-zation r/p
Total cases per million 1 0.42886 0.2582  − 0.099699 0.11561 0.36497  − 0.22875  − 0.021876  − 0.22236 0.18427 r
1 0.0032881 0.086803 0.51465 0.4495 0.013698 0.13068 0.88658 0.14207 0.22561 p
Tests per thousand 0.42886 1  − 0.33173  − 0.036493 0.38069 0.76633  − 0.29337 0.28211  − 0.47359 0.34804 r
0.0032881 1 0.026004 0.81189 0.0098853 8.4839e-10 0.050481 0.060442 0.0010164 0.019138 p
Stringency index 0.2582  − 0.33173 1 0.1241  − 0.53818  − 0.47519 0.24135  − 0.44037 0.045849  − 0.35718 r
0.086803 0.026004 1 0.41669 0.00013723 0.00097169 0.11023 0.0024671 0.76489 0.016012 p
Population density  − 0.099699  − 0.036493 0.1241 1  − 0.13849  − 0.13351 0.17546  − 0.077743  − 0.069474  − 0.16258 r
0.51465 0.81189 0.41669 1 0.36428 0.38192 0.24896 0.61173 0.65021 0.28594 p
Median age 0.11561 0.38069  − 0.53818  − 0.13849 1 0.64273  − 0.68238 0.70813  − 0.24357 0.65846 r
0.4495 0.0098853 0.00013723 0.36428 1 1.9316e-06 2.436e-07 5.2981e-08 0.10689 8.8096e-07 p
GDP per capita 0.36497 0.76633  − 0.47519  − 0.13351 0.64273 1 -0.49649 0.44154  − 0.62533 0.48072 r
0.013698 8.4839e-10 0.00097169 0.38192 1.9316e-06 1 0.00052269 0.0023952 4.3777e-06 0.00083048 p
Extreme poverty  − 0.22875  − 0.29337 0.24135 0.17546  − 0.68238  − 0.49649 1  − 0.44738 0.12645  − 0.64954 r
0.13068 0.050481 0.11023 0.24896 2.436e-07 0.00052269 1 0.0020614 0.40782 1.383e-06 p
Hospital beds/thousand  − 0.021876 0.28211  − 0.44037  − 0.077743 0.70813 0.44154  − 0.44738 1 0.042477 0.51754 r
0.88658 0.060442 0.0024671 0.61173 5.2981e-08 0.0023952 0.0020614 1 0.78174 0.00027185 p
BCG Immunization  − 0.22236  − 0.47359 0.045849  − 0.069474  − 0.24357  − 0.62533 0.12645 0.042477 1  − 0.09481 r
0.14207 0.0010164 0.76489 0.65021 0.10689 4.3777e-06 0.40782 0.78174 1 0.53558 p
DTP3 Immunization 0.18427 0.34804  − 0.35718  − 0.16258 0.65846 0.48072  − 0.64954 0.51754  − 0.09481 1 r
0.22561 0.019138 0.016012 0.28594 8.8096e-07 0.00083048 1.383e-06 0.00027185 0.53558 1 p

Pearson’s correlation coeffient and p value for the indicated independent variables compared in pairwise. Two-sided significance threshold was set at p < .05 (shaded in green)