Table 2.
Community pivots to THN programs at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community | Historical THN Distribution | Adaptations to THN Distribution | Specific COVID-19 Precautions | Confidentiality Preservation |
A | Face-to-face training and distribution events such as conferences One-on-one training and distribution to individuals experiencing overdose and their families/significant others |
Hosting “Drive-Thru” Events promoted via social media, the organization's website, treatment providers, and community partners. An OCPSa provides one-on-one training at the event immediately prior to distribution. Providing one-on-one training from an OCPS over the phone or through videos posted on the agency website. THN kits are then distributed by a nurse via a drive thru station. Dispensing THN to clients engaged in MAT as they picked up prescriptions. Education was provided by an OCPS over the phone or though videos posted on the agency website. Promoting mail-order THN kits through Harm Reduction Ohiob. |
Masks, physical distancing, and regular hand and surface sanitizing when in-person contact is required. | OCPSs and nurses are trained in confidentiality procedures. |
B | Face-to-face training and distribution events such as community town hall meetings One-on-one training and distribution to individuals experiencing overdose and their families/significant others |
Hosting “Drive-Thru” Events promoted via social media, l advertisements in local media,c treatment providers, and community partners. Trainers included volunteers with the following credentials: EMTs, firefighters, nurses, and a pharmacist. The trainer stood by the vehicle during the training. An informational handout was distributed with the kit. One kit was permitted per vehicle. Total interaction time was approximately 10–15 min. | Masks, physical distancing, regular hand and surface sanitizing when in-person contact is required, a nurse monitors temperatures of all volunteers at events. | Volunteers are trained in confidentiality procedures. |
C | Did not have a THN program prior to the pandemic. Organization had just signed a contract with EMS to develop and provide face-to-face training and distribution events to the public at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic | Developing an online training platform placed on the organization's websited in SurveyMonkey because of the ability to embed videos and collect data. When training is complete, participants enter in personal information and check a box indicating that they completed the video training. The data is received by two health educators who mail the THN kit to the participants in a tamper proof white envelope. | None required | Health educators are trained in confidentiality procedures. In addition, the names and addresses of participants is kept in a binder stored in a locked cabinet. When THN kits are mailed, there are no identifiers on the package to indicate what the package contains. |
D | Face-to-face training and distribution events such as community town hall meetings One-on-one training and distribution to individuals experiencing overdose and their families/significant others Group training and distribution at treatment sessions |
Providing one-on-one trainings by request via telephone or text to schedule a time. Promoting THN availability via social media, newspaper articles,e and the organization's website. Partnering with treatment agencies to provide small group trainings held in conjunction with regularly scheduled treatment groups (including groups comprised of clients engaged in MAT). |
Masks, physical distancing, regular hand and surface sanitizing when in-person contact is required, monitoring temperatures of all participants and staff at trainings Utilizing outdoor training spaces such as farmers markets Eliminating the interactive portion of training where attendees put each other into recovery position Eliminating the utilization of a demonstration THN kit to practice hand placement. |
Volunteers are trained in confidentiality procedures |
Ohio Certified Prevention Specialists.
See Fig. 1.