Monolayer cell culture
Readily available resource
Minimal cost
Easy to use
Allow rapid studies of biological properties of tumours
Allow screening of multiple drug compounds
Neuro/tumoursphere culture
Preserve the complex individual level of genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity of the original tumour sample
Maintain genetic stability over time
Allow screening of multiple drug compounds
Represent just the cancer stem cell population of the original tumour
3D nature means that media nutrients are not equally distributed
Generation depends on tumour grade and genetics
Lack a realistic brain microenvironment composed by vessels and immune cells
Cerebral organoids
Recapitulates the variety of cerebral cell types
Retain anatomical features of a simplified mammalian brain
Allow studies of biological properties of tumours such as invasion, in a more physiological system compared to monolayer cultures
Organotypic brain slice culture
Maintain mouse brain slices in culture
The genetic alteration can be introduced in the germline (knock-out, knock-in, transgenic models) or in the somatic cells (via viral-mediated gene delivery)
Maintains the in vivo brain architecture
Allow faster studies of invasion ex vivo
Drug screens can take place in a more realistic brain microenvironment
Genetically engineered mouse models
Genetic changes can be targeted to specific cell populations and induced at specific developmental stage of the animal
Animals have an intact immune system
Roles of individual mutations can be ascertained
Tumour formation can be monitored from the very start
Xenograft mouse models
Closely resembles the original features of the tumour
Heterogeneity is maintained
Tumours generate their own vasculature
“Humanised” xenograft mouse models