Lg values of copy number of fecal bacteria per gram in general, severe, and critical patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, respectively, and the normal reference range for each bacterial strain. (a) Lactobacillus: the median value was 1.8 × 104 in the general group, 1.8 × 104 in the severe group, and 200 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 106–9.0 × 108. (b) Bifidobacterium: the median value was 5.7 × 106 in the general group, 4.4 × 106 in the severe group, and 1.4 × 104 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 105–9.0 × 108. (c) F. prausnitzii: the median value was 5.0 × 106 in the general group, 1.6 × 105 in the severe group, and 1.7 × 104 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 106–9.0 × 109. (d) C. butyricum: the median value was 1.6 × 105 in the general group, 1.9 × 105 in the severe group, and 310 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 105–9.0 × 108. (e) C. leptum: the median value was 4.3 × 106 in the general group, 6.4 × 105 in the severe group, and 1.4 × 104 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 106–9.0 × 108. (f) E. rectale: the median value was 1.8 × 104 in the general group, 8.2 × 104 in the severe group, and 49 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 105–9.0 × 106. (g) E: the median value was 1.1 × 104 in the general group, 8.6 × 104 in the severe group, and 240 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 105–9.0 × 106. (h) Atopobium: the median value was 6.9 × 106 in the general group, 4.3 × 106 in the severe group, and 2.2 × 104 in the critical group; and the normal reference range was 1.0 × 103–9.0 × 106. (i) Intestinal Ec/E ratio: the median value in the general, severe, and critical groups was 0.4, 0.7, and 3.3, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed with one-way ANOVA. Values are mean ± standard deviation. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01; ***: P < 0.001. Lg(copies·g−1): lg values of copies of microbial DNA per gram of feces.