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. 2020 Dec 19;94:102820. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102820

Table 1.

COVID-19 in Italy—timeline of events.

Month Day Event
November 17 The first reported case of infection by COVID-19 in the province of Hubei. The virus was initially not recognized as a new type of coronavirus and the news was only released by the Chinese government on January 13, 2020.
January 30 WHO officially declares the virus a worldwide public health risk, and provides directives to nations on the correct management of the problem. Two cases of infection (two Chinese tourists on vacation in Rome) are identified for the first time in Italy.
Italy blocks all flights to and from China and proclaims a state of emergency for six months.
February 21 First recorded death in Italy due to the virus.
February 23 Implementation of the Council of Prime Ministerial Decree (DPCM), which attributes “Red Zone” status to 11 municipalities in Northern Italy.
February 25 New DPCM containment measures affecting sporting events, competitions, readmission to schools of all kinds, and study trips extended to the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, and Liguria valid until March 15.
March 4 New DPCM – Universities and schools closed all over Italy.
Restrictions for cinemas, theaters, and events of all kinds until March 15.
March 7 New DPCM – Lombardy and 14 provinces of other regions of the Center-North “closed”; Province of Rimini declared “Red Zone.”
March 11 New DPCM – “#IoRestoaCasa” (I stay at home) – Containment measures extended throughout Italy.
Common retail businesses are suspended, educational activities, catering services, gatherings of people are prohibited.
March 12 More than 1000 deaths recorded in Italy.
March 14 Publication of the agreement between the government and the social partners “Shared Protocol for the Regulation of Measures for the Contrast and Containment of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace.”
March 18 New DPCM – The government launches the “Cura-Italia” (Custody-Italy) with a EUR 25 billion “maneuver.”
March 19 Italy’s death toll exceeds China’s.
March 22 New DPCM – All unnecessary activities are suspended from March 23 to April 3, subsequently extended until April 13 and again to May 3.
New ordinance prohibiting all persons from relocating or moving, via public or private transport, other than the city in which they are located, except for essential work needs, for emergencies, or for health reasons.
May 4 Implementation of the New DPCM – “Phase 2” Coexistence with COVID-19. The decree: permitted visits to relatives within the region (always maintaining a distance of at least 1 m and with mandatory use of masks and gloves); allowed the opening of public parks and takeaway services for catering activities; allowed the resumption of various wholesale trade production activities, the reopening of bathing establishments, and motoring, regardless of the distance from one’s home.
May 13 The Emilia-Romagna Region publishes the regional protocol for accommodation with guidelines for adaptation.
May 18 Safe reopening of restaurants, bars, beaches, hairdressers, and beauticians according to regional protocols.
June 3 Movement between regions is allowed, borders between regions are reopened, and country borders are reopened with European Member States without a quarantine obligation for those arriving from abroad.