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. 2020 Jun 10;92(4):914–924. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2020.06.008

Table 1.

Selected performance indicators of an AEC

Performance indicators Definition
Operational indicators
Facility time, min The average total time spent by patients in AEC (time between initial entry and exit from the AEC)
Registration time, min The average time between entry into AEC and completion of registration
Preoperative time, min The average time between the end of registration and transfer out of the preoperative bay
Endoscopy room time, min The average time between entry into an endoscopy room and transfer to a recovery room
Facility utilization, % Percentage of time a specific location is used for providing patient care and maintenance/cleaning (instead of remaining unoccupied)
 Waiting room
 Preoperative bays
 Endoscopy rooms
 Recovery bays
 COVID-19 testing/screening area
Waiting time for patients, min The average wait time for patients to acquire a specific location, which is currently not available (being used for another patient or undergoing maintenance/cleaning)
 Waiting for preoperative bays
 Waiting for endoscopy rooms
 Waiting for recovery room
 Waiting for COVID-19 screening and testing
Number of late discharges Discharges that are completed after the scheduled closing time of the AEC (17:30)
Overtime Daily average length of time a unit is operating past its operating hours (1730)
Productivity indicators
 Throughput Number of patients/endoscopy room/day
 Staffing utilization, % The percentage of the time when staff is engaged in ongoing patient care and completing related paperwork/maintenance/cleaning (instead of remaining idle)
 Physician utilization
 Nursing utilization
 Preoperative RN
 Recovery RNs
 Ancillary staff utilization
 Endoscopy technicians
 Certified nursing assistant
 Triage technician
Total staff hours per case (excluding physicians and CRNAs) Total staff hours divided by the number of patients per day
Financial indicators
 Net revenue per patient Calculated by the total estimated reimbursement for facility fees per patient
Calculated by the total staffing cost by hourly wage per patient
Percentage of value-added time (based on utilization) divided by the total amount of staffing time
 Staffing cost per patient (excluding physicians and CRNAs)
 Percent value-added (activity-based costing) staffing time (excluding physicians and CRNAs)

AEC, Ambulatory endoscopy center; RN, registered nurse; CRNA, certified nurse anesthetist.

Physicians and CRNAs are reimbursed for billable professional services that are not included in the facility fees.

Value-added time was calculated using the average costing method by dividing total average staffing utilization time (when the staff was actively engaged in patient care or related activities) divided by the total staffing time.11