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. 2020 Dec 16;27(2):336–341. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2020.12.009

Table 1.

Characteristics of the patients.

All patients (N = 207)
Basic information
Age, years [median (25%, 75%)] 50 (40, 71)
Male gender, n (%) 121 (59)
Asia including Japan, n (%) 185 (89)
Japan, n (%) 158 (76)
Europe, n (%) 5 (2)
North or South America 12 (6)
Oceania, n (%) 5 (2)
Smoking status
Current or ex-smoker, n (%) 66 (32)
Never smoker, n (%) 141 (68)
Any, n (%) 101 (49)
Cardiovascular disease, n (%) 12 (6)
Diabetes, n (%) 12 (6)
Chronic respiratory disorder, n (%)
Requirement of HOT, n (%)
20 (10)
2 (1)
Malignancy, n (%) 6 (3)
Asymptomatic cases, n (%) 40 (19)
Symptomatic cases, n (%) 167 (81)
Patients with respiratory failureexcept for those who required HOT, n (%) 8 (4)
Nasal canula 5 (2)
Oxygen mask 3 (1)
Time from symptom onset to presentation, days median[median (25%, 75%)] 5 (4, 8)
Symptoms on admission
Fever, n (%) 63 (30)
Cough, n (%) 79 (38)
Headache, n (%) 26 (13)
Fatigue, n (%) 44 (21
Sore throat, n (%) 21 (10)
Diarrhea, n (%) 17 (8)
Nasal discharge, n (%) 26 (13)
Dyspnea, n (%) 24 (12)
Laboratory findings on admission
White blood cell, 104/μL
[median (25%,75%)]
5290 (4060, 6530)
Lymphocyte count, 104/μL
[median (25%,75%)]
1252 (860, 1694)
Platelet, 104/μL[median (25%,75%)] 21.2 (17.5, 26.6)
Albumin, g/dL 4.1 (3.8, 4.3)
CRP, mg/dL[median (25%,75%)] 0.73 (0.13, 2.79)
BUN, mg/dL[median (25%,75%)] 13 (11, 17)
LDH (mg/L), IU/L
[median (25%,75%)]
211 (177, 266)
AST, IU/L[median (25%,75%)] 27 (21, 37)
ALT, IU/L[median (25%,75%)] 27 (17, 42)
Severe patients, n (%) 40 (19)
Nasal canula or oxygen mask, n (%) 23 (11)
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilationor high flow nasal, n (%) 11 (5)
Intubation, n (%) 6 (3)
Death, n (%) 3 (1)

HOT = home oxygen therapy; CRP= C-reactive protein; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; ALT = alanine aminotransferase.