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. 2020 Aug 27;23(11):1432–1437. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2020.07.001

Table 2.

Results for base-case settings and scenario and sensitivity analyses (R = 2.4).

Suppression 1 vs unmitigated Suppression 1 vs mitigated Suppression 2 vs unmitigated Suppression 2 vs mitigated
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) 4, 363, 464 2, 115, 656 4, 090, 420 1, 842, 611
Incremental costs £85, 756, 622, 748 £70, 547, 645, 072 £85, 806, 769, 566 £70, 597, 791, 890
Cost per additional QALY £19, 653 £33, 346 £20, 977 £38, 314
No death-related healthcare cost saving
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) £4, 363, 464 £2, 115, 656 £4, 090, 420 £1, 842, 611
Incremental costs £73, 112, 468, 530 £64, 417, 146, 057 £73, 954, 471, 471 £65, 259, 148, 998
Cost per additional QALY £16, 756 £30, 448 £18, 080 £35, 417
Unemployment QALY loss included
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) 3, 279, 950 1, 085, 781 3, 092, 729 898, 560
Incremental costs £85, 756, 622, 748 £70, 547, 645, 072 £85, 806, 769, 566 £70, 597, 791, 890
Cost per additional QALY £26, 146 £64, 974 £27, 745 £78, 568
End-of-life cost included
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) 4, 363, 464 2, 115, 656 4, 090, 420 1, 842, 611
Incremental costs £85, 641, 720, 407 £70, 491, 934, 846 £85, 699, 063, 129 £70, 549, 277, 568
Cost per additional QALY £19, 627 £33, 319 £20, 951 £38, 288
Net national income loss 50% less
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) 4, 363, 464 2, 115, 656 4, 090, 420 1, 842, 611
Incremental costs £37, 131, 122, 748 £32, 432, 645, 072 £37, 181, 269, 566 £32, 482, 791, 890
Cost per additional QALY £85, 10 £15, 330 £9,090 £17, 629
Net national income loss 50% more
Incremental QALYs (ie, loss prevented) 4, 363, 464 2, 115, 656 4, 090, 420 1, 842, 611
Incremental costs £121, 737, 968, 530 £102, 532, 146, 057 £122, 579, 971, 471 £103, 374, 148, 998
Cost per additional QALY £27, 899 £48, 464 £29, 968 £56, 102

QALY indicates quality-adjusted life-years.