(a–i) Representative current traces from Xenopus oocytes that expressed cRNA for clh-1(wt) (a–c), clh-1(pe572) (d–f), or clh-1(pe577) (g–i). Oocytes were perfused at pH 7 with Cl- as the dominant extracellular anion (a, c, d), pH 5 with Cl- (b, e, h), or pH 7 with HCO3- (c, f, i). See Materials and methods for details. The oocytes were clamped at voltages ranging from −140 mV to 80 mV. (j–l) The averaged current-voltage relationships of clh-1(wt) (j, n ≧ 16), clh-1(pe572) (k, n ≧ 16), clh-1(pe577) (l, n = 8), at pH 7 with Cl- (circle), at pH 5 with Cl- (diamond), and at pH 7 with HCO3- (square). The error bars represent s.e.m. Trials of the different conditions were performed using the same oocyte.