Figure 4.
Differences in HIPsub functional connectivity between SCD subjects and CN before rTMS treatment after controlling for age, sex, education, ITV, and FD (p < 0.05, TFCE-FDR correction, cluster size > 405 mm3. (A) HIPe-subregion and different brain regions of the HIPe functional connectivity between CN and SCD subjects. The bar chart shows the quantitative comparison of functional connectivity in these regions. (B) HIPc-subregion and different brain regions of the HIPc functional connectivity between CN and SCD subjects. The bar chart depicts the quantitative comparison of functional connectivity in these regions. (C) HIPp-subregion and different brain regions of the HIPp functional connectivity between CN and SCD subjects. The bar chart indicates the quantitative comparison of functional connectivity in these regions. * PTFCE-FDR<0.05. Abbreviations: CN, healthy controls; SCD, subjective cognitive decline; HIPe, hippocampal emotional region; HIPc, hippocampal cognitive region; HIPp, hippocampal perceptual region; TFCE, threshold-free cluster enhancement; FDR, false discovery rate; ITV, Intracranial volume; FD, framewise displacement; CEREpos.R, right cerebellum posterior lobe; FusG.L, left fusiform gyrus; PHG.L, l gyrus; IFGorb.R, right inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part; MTG.R, right middle temporal gyrus; MTG.L, left middle temporal gyrus; MFG.L, left medial frontal gyrus; PreCUN.L, left precuneus.